3-4 Organic heifers wanted, from a Scottish Herd. Bulling, in-calf or calf-at-foot considered. They'll be outwintering in upland East Lothian so they need to be relatively tough. And as docile as possible. Pic is of their friends in the slowly growing Clint herd. Please contact charlie.blair squiglyat cwbenergy.co.uk Thanks Charlie
3-4 Organic heifers wanted, from a Scottish Herd. Bulling, in-calf or calf-at-foot considered. They’ll be outwintering in upland East Lothian so they need to be relatively tough. And as docile as possible.
Pic is of their friends in the slowly growing Clint herd.
Please contact charlie.blair squiglyat cwbenergy.co.uk
Date of Birth
Health Status