An informal regional group for those breeding and interested in the Belted Galloway.
Affiliated to The Belted Galloway Cattle Society and covering the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Lincolnshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire. Set up with the aim of connecting all Beltie enthusiasts in the region. The Group promotes the breed at Regional Shows and events, promotes the merits of Belted Galloway Beef, organises herd visits/farm walks in the region, offers support/networking to existing and aspiring Beltie Breeders.
If you are interested in helping organise events for the Group please get in touch.
Facebook Group
The East Anglian Belted Galloway Group also runs a Facebook Group so feel free to join, the page is used to share events, animals available, bull hire and all news of breeders and herds in the region.
Group Contacts
Jeremy Perkins Email: [email protected]
Nicola Chapman Email: [email protected]