2024 saw the usual stalwarts out on the show scene across the Southern region. The distribution of Belties tends to be greater in the South West than elsewhere due to topography and land use and several of the South West regional shows hold classes for Belties and/or Galloways.
The showing season began in early May with the North Somerset Show where several breeders made the effort to attend this busy one-day show near Bristol. There were also Beltie or Galloway classes at the Royal Bath and West, the Royal Three Counties, the Mid Devon Show and North Devon Shows, and later in the summer at the Mid Somerset and Dorset County Shows (A full list of Southern Shows is on the website).
Probably the highlight for most Southern breeders was the National Show, this year held at the Royal Three Counties Show at Malvern, Worcestershire in early June. TB movement restrictions meant that some breeders from the East and South East were unable to attend, but we still had half a dozen exhibitors bring over thirty cattle to put on an impressive show of excellent animals, and certainly the largest number of Belties at one show in the south of England for some time.
The Society kindly sponsored a marquee for the event and we were pleased to be able to host visiting members and provide refreshments including a delicious cream tea and barbecue. This was also an excellent opportunity to educate the visiting public about the benefits of breeding Belted Galloways – and sell them Beltie merchandise.
Thanks go to all breeders who made great efforts to attend, to Breed Secretary Christina and others who manned the stand, and to the judge Mr Robert Adams. The National Supreme Championship was won by Dave and Deb Powell with their young bull Shelsleys Kwagga, and Reserve Champion went to Mervyn Forster with his excellent heifer Croasdale Tawny Owl.
New herds continue to pop up across the Southern region and we hope to be able to organise a 2025 summer herd visit – details to follow on the website.