The Belted Galloway Society is keen to encourage youngsters with an interest in Belted Galloways to learn about developing an eye for good cattle, cattle handling and preparation for shows.
In 2009 we were able to start having classes specifically for young handlers in which the youngsters were purely judged on their cattle handling ability and not on the cattle they were leading. The shows which kindly allow this are Ayr County, Straiton and Stranraer shows. All of these Scottish shows hold a class after the main Belted Galloway classes and the judge usually speaks to the young handlers and watches them handle the cattle in the ring. Rosettes and prize money are given and there is a point system in place with the winner receiving a trophy at the Castle Douglas Show and Sale in October.

It has not been easy to get shows to put on extra classes and we are still trying different shows. The other thing is that the society will give rosettes and points in general beef young handler classes to any youngsters leading BGs in these classes.
We would really like anyone who thinks they can persuade their local shows with Beltie classes to add a young handler class to let us know and the society can make contact and arrange about rosettes etc.
If there are any youngsters that would like to learn about show preparation do please contact us as a number of members would be happy to show them the ropes at their farms in the lead up to show day and maybe on the day itself . With the new addition of regional groups this could be discussed within the groups and maybe in the future we can have inter area competitions.
Remember the youngsters are the future for our breed so let’s encourage them. Contact Jennifer Taylor with any ideas, questions and for more information.